Jobs in Spain: How To Find Work in Spain in 2022
Published: 28 February 2022

If you're thinking of moving to Spain and wanting to earn money then finding a job is one of the first things you would look to do. A word of warning though: finding a job in Spain is very tricky and you will have a lot of competition. We've put together some tips for you to help you find a job and earn some money in Spain.
1. Learn to speak Spanish
Finding a job in Spain becomes a whole lot easier if you have a good grasp of Spanish. You may find that without knowledge of the Spanish language your job options may be severely limited, so putting in the time and effort in learning Spanish will go a long way to helping you find a job in Spain. Unfortunately unemployment in Spain is quite high and often the foremost jobs go to native Spanish speakers. Luckily for you, there are many ways to learn the language, and some of them for free.
- Learn a language apps;
- YouTube videos;
- Books and e-books.
These are just a few of the ways you can learn.
2. Location, location, location
When thinking about moving to Spain it's important to do a little bit of research on the area you are planning on moving to to see if there are many jobs available. Have a look at our forums for our jobs boards to get an idea of the jobs available.
3. Jobs in Spain for English speakers
While learning the Spanish language is definitely recommended, there are a few jobs out there for English speakers. Some of the types of jobs you could think about looking for include:
- Bar work
- Estate agents
- Insurance agents
- Cleaning and keyholding
- Restaurant employees
4. Bar work in Spain
Bar work is often the first type of work many people think about when searching for jobs to apply for when moving to Spain. It's important to remember that this type of work may be seasonal, so if you are looking for a job that is all year round it may be best to think of other types of jobs like the ones above.
5. Register with the correct authorities before starting work
You need to register with Agencia Tributaria and INSS before being offered a job. If you manage to get a contract, your employer will pay the INSS contribution for you. If not, you will need to register as autónomo and pay monthly to the INSS.
Here are some links to help you:
6. Have a look at our jobs board
As we mentioned above, we run a jobs board for individual towns and areas in Spain. Have a look at our forums to find out more.